Corporate governance

UCS is the holding company whose focus is on growth with good profitability. When a company is doing well, its owners, investors, and employees are also doing well. This creates a positive atmosphere with forward-thinking and growth power.

We help our subsidiaries develop and become even more competent in their respective business areas through support and by finding suitable acquisition objects that can broaden their offerings.

We also ensure that each subsidiary has its own board of directors that possesses the right expertise. Well-functioning corporate bodies are fundamental to creating and maintaining good market confidence and to safeguarding the company's value to shareholders and customers.

In this way, we create stable growth and enable the development of both the companies and our employees.


Saied Ghannadan
Siamak Alian
Khazar Amini
Christer Alfredsson
Maria Hedvall

Saied Ghannadan
Jesper Bergström
Ali Motazedi
Maria Hedvall

Saied Ghannadan
Alberto Necovski
Leif Erlandsson
Walter Schildstam

Saied Ghannadan
Thomas Axelsson
Maria Hedvall
Christian Rydkvist

UCS Mindbite logo

Saied Ghannadan
Lars-Thomas Rasmussen
Alberto Necovski
Christian Rydkvist
Jalal Maleki

Saied Ghannadan
Peter Myrgård
Maria Hedvall

Saied Ghannadan
Henrik Krohn
Maria Hedvall
Jalal Maleki

Investment and management

At UCS, we are driven by a willingness to share what we have learned on our journey. We do this by entering as investors in interesting start-up companies that fit into our various business operations. Companies that we have the expertise to understand and thereby can take an active role in and be involved in and develop.
Of course, we invest capital, but place at least as much importance on business development, mentoring and coaching.
Being able to see and see tomorrow's businesses being born and growing is a big confidence.

Start-ups UCS Group är investerade i:

 Through its product Helen, Worldish envisions a world where language unites people. Worldish wants to reach out to health care in Sweden and to the rest of the world where language barriers affect the quality of care.

UCS Group tror starkt på Worldish vision och ser Helen som en innovativ e-hälsolösning för framtiden, vilket stödjer både vårdpersonal och patienter globalt. Helen används för närvarande inom flera fält i Sverige och kan anpassas till alla mänskliga interaktionstjänster. För mer information se bolagets hemsida:

 Sharespine specializes in integrations between different SaaS services and has developed the technology required to achieve functional automation for more complex business flows. The platform the company offers allows seamless multi-integrations between several different verticals, such as financial and e-commerce systems, marketplaces, cash register and paychecks.

UCS sees a large and rapidly growing need for Sharespine's product. We are proud of the opportunity to follow the company's development journey from the first parquet. For more information, see the company's website:

Flashe Gaming Group  Flashe Gaming Group AB is active in the gaming industry. In gaming there are many private individuals and companies that suffer from poor ergonomics. This can lead to load damage and poor performance.

UCS places a strong faith in the company's business concept, enhancing the user's technological experience through innovative products and services that focus primarily on ergonomics, innovation and performance. UCS also sees a large and fast-growing market for the company's products, not least then. At present, there are very few players who focus on the ergonomic aspect of gaming. For more information see the company's website:

Investeringssidan Celluminova specializes in the development of new tools for stem cell research, including cancer stem cells. The patented biomarker GlioStem is intended for the detection and visualization of stem cell-like cells in brain tumors. Today, there are no products on the market that target stem cell-like cells in these tumors. The goal of the product is for it to be used during operations to completely remove tumor tissue and thereby partly increase patient survival and partly quality of life. Celluminova has its origins in the technical and medical faculty and the IFM department at Linköping University.
UCS Group justifies its investment with the fact that Celluminova, through its patented product(s), is on the brink of a major medical breakthrough with societal benefits of gigantic proportions. We are very proud of the opportunity to be part of this exciting and developing journey. We intend to help the company in any way we can.

Gestrument AB Reactional unlocks the full potential of music in the global gaming market, through a technology and business model that enables a new relationship between music and games. A new model for use, creation and sharing among game studios, players and holders of music rights.

UCS has a strong belief in the company with its unique product and the highly qualified and competent company management. It's almost like you can get one ”Unicorn Feeling"! Please read more about the company at:

Sigmastocks Sigmastocks challenges banks and other financial players with a completely new savings service. After having various solutions on the market, Sigmastocks and FPJ Financial Services (Evida AB) launched a world-unique service at the end of Q4 2020, where capital is invested directly in shares instead of funds.

UCS sees an innovative company with a good vision in Sigmastocks that offers an innovative automated portfolio management service, where customers get their capital invested with the help of mathematics and digitization. Index funds are thus not used in management (except for fixed income investments), which has long been the standard for similar players, both in Sweden and abroad. For more information see the company's website:

Securities and funds

We manage capital through investments in and trading in listed securities and funds. The list of our holdings at present can be found below by opening the respective fields:


Alcadon Group
Creades A
Creaspac SPAC
Dustin Group
Embracer Group B
Ericsson B
Ethereum XBT
Exsitec Holding
Hennes & Mauritz B
Mildef Group
Pandox B
Samhällsbyggnadsbo. in the Nordic countries B
Volvo B


AGI Alliance China A Shares AT USD

Alliance Global ArtfcL Intlgc AT EUR

Avanza Auto1

Avanza Auto 2

Cliens Small Company A

DNB Green North

HSBC GIF Turkey Equity AC

Jupiter India Select L USD A Inc

Länsförsäkringar Fastighetsfond A

MS INVF Global Opportunity A

PLUS Mikrobolag Sweden Index

PLUS Small Company Sweden Index

PriorNilsson Realinvest A

SEB Nordenfond small company C EUR & #8211; Lux

SEB Sverigefond Småbolag C / R


Spiltan Aktiefond Investmentnolag

Spiltan Aktiefond Småland

Swedbank Robur Technology A SEK

TIN New Technology A

Business Concept

The Parent Company (UCS) within the UCS Group AB Group works for a continuous growth of the Group by supporting the subsidiaries in their organic growth, utilizing and encouraging synergies within the Group and acquisitions of well-managed and profitable companies. UCS acquires and develops companies that sell consulting services, products and solutions within Information technology (IT), Industrial IT, business systems and finance and accounting. The Group's guiding light is customer benefit through future-proof and transparent solutions.


The Group's goal is to grow faster than the market in which UCS's various companies operate. All in all, management wants growth to equal 15 percent per year (organically and through acquisitions). The operating margin should be higher than 10 percent on average over a five-year period. Over the past five-year period, the operating margin has averaged just over 8 percent. In order to increase profitability, we shall now identify and utilize coordination gains between businesses with similar business logic.


Our vision is to be the customer's first choice in all our business areas and in the geographical markets in which we operate. The UCS Group will continue to develop with our customers in the future and take an impression of the market and our customers' needs.